Wednesday, November 7, 2007
note and illustration
While I was supposed to be writing, I stumbled across the ultimate doll-making site again. Dangerousdangerous.

Of course what did I do?

I made ridiculously over-the-top cute versions of my characters.

So take these with a grain of salt. XD

Meres and Luce

Mephisto and Nila


But I can claim some justification for these! It actually, oddly enough, helped me out a bit in terms of characterization. I hadn't realised quite how much I'd decided Nila was a little British schoolboy, but I guess he kinda is. But while these versions are obviously, uh, a bit over-simplified and modern, the gists are there. Everything about Veri is a bit washed-out, while everything around Mephisto is theatrically bold and dramatic.

(x-posted on AnJ.)
posted by Melissa at 11:23 AM | Permalink |