Wednesday, November 7, 2007
part 7 - Mephisto (continued)
        I have let my gaze fall unfocused into the fire, while nursing my drink. I did not even realize I had done so, until my sightless stare is interuppted by Carey, pulling up a chair to the side of mine, smiling as he offers me a fresh glass. "You simply must try the cognac, dear, it is quite a fine vintage. Such lovely floral notes - violets, I think."
        I smile gratefully and take the glass, handing my now-empty one to a servant who appears almost instantly at my need. (Ah, Luce! You truly do hire the best.) "It does have a lovely aroma... Have I missed any gossip of great revelation? I was... in the garden until a few minutes ago."
        "Nothing terribly interesting, no... but I had been looking for you, there was one bit I wanted to be sure you heard."
        "Anything, darling. I am feeling quite relaxed just now - this is an excellent cognac, do you know its origins?"
        "Not offhand, no; Luce is keeping that a close secret this evening, and inciting a good bit of envy in doing so. He is, as I am sure will not surprise you, having samples be given to everyone in attendance, but refuses to name the vineyard from which it comes."
        "Ha! You are right, it does not surprise me."
        He sighs, and takes a long, slow sip. "Do you ever tire of his endless manipulations, Meph dear? I must admit, there are times when I do..."
        I consider for a moment, staring off into the sparkling fire. "Oh, I suppose there are a few occasions... but really, it is a fairly harmless amusement. I only find it tiresome when it interferes with something I should like to know or do."
        "Yes, I suppose so... And one really can't blame him for being so full of self-importance, can one?" We laugh, knowing that it is a trait common to us all, as inevitable as a golden sunset.
        "But there, you had something to tell me, darling?"
        "Ah! I did. Has anyone told you about the priest that attended the evening at Nila's last week?"
        My eyes widen, and a pleased smile curls across my face. "They had not - oh this is a lovely development, however did this happen?"
        "Here, another drink for us both!" he calls out gleefully, and, when our glasses have been refilled, he moves his chair a little closer to mine and leans forward, his eyes glinting with delight. "Now, darling, this is of course not to be common knowledge - not yet, anyway. But it seems he was coerced into attendance by some boy he has taken a fancy to - oh I hardly know how to tell the story, there are so many delicious elements all at once!"
        We laugh, and I clink my glass lightly against his. "Don't trouble yourself, my dear, I am certain I shall be able to piece it together properly if need be. But do tell."
        "This priest, he is a younger man yet, not terribly long out of seminary. Young enough that he still has many questions about his faith and his order, and has an open mind about certain interpretations. Young enough that he still thinks he can update his religion, and make changes where he feels he knows more than the hundreds of years of predecessors."
        "Such an interesting age, is it not? So full of ideas and longings and desires, and thoughts of greatness, but so naive! Almost endearing, really."
        "And easily manipulated, of course."
        "Mmm, of course."
        "You know Claude, that boy Nila... oh but to say Nila brought him to us does nothing to narrow things down! The painter, you know, the one who does those lovely Grecian scenes? Well, it seems the two became acquainted - the priest is a great admirer of art, though his experience with it is somewhat lacking, given his course of education. But it looks to be a promising avenue through which to, ah, initiate him into our society. The priest, his name is Douglas, Mark Douglas I believe, was looking to have a painting done, for the sitting room of his new parsonage. He has much entertaining to do, of course, he is eager to make close friends of certain key social figures - it is a fairly wealthy parish. He is a great believer in admiration of natural beauty, the human form being merely one aspect of it. Having seen some of the boy's work, he thought he might produce an admirable Biblical scene."
        "And what subject did they decide upon?"
        "Ahh, quite an interesting one." He pauses a moment for dramatic effect, his eyes gleaming into mine. "The scene of final parting between David and Jonathan."
        "Ha!" I burst into laughter of knowing approval, and Carey joins me. "Oh... oh that is far too wonderful. Do go on! I like this priest more all the time."
        "Well, of course, it is to show the ideal brotherhood between all of mankind, or so the official explanation goes. But, oh you must see the painting, it is too divine. The looks exchanged between the two - very strikingly beautiful - young men are absolutely wonderful. The priest is delighted with the piece, and, it seems, with Claude. He looks to have taken the boy under his wing, or so it seems in polite society. Truly, though, the boy is leading him farther into a world he has too long been sheltered from... all under pretense, of course, of broadening his understanding of the human race in its present conditions. One cannot preach to those one does not understand, you know."
        "Most certainly not. I do hope this is all being done gradually? It would be a shame to scare off such an interesting visitor."
        "Oh it is - the boy is an artist in more ways than one. He is quite wonderful, really, able to show a face of bright innocense while saying the most deliciously un-innocent things."
        "It sounds as though you have had a few personal encounters with him, dear Carey."
        "Mmm, well, that is another subject of discussion altogether, perhaps I shall detail that later for you."
        "So long as that is a promise, and not merely a tease."
        "Ah, darling, you know me better than that. But to return to our own dear priest... He is, incidentally, quite attractive, even surprisingly so. Such striking green eyes! And really, a lovely body himself, though of course he covers it up terribly all the time. Modesty and all. But I am sure we shall talk him out of those dreadful clerical robes before long..."
        "Oh the possibilities with this one are wonderful! I quite look forward to this... Do let me know if you hear of his planned attendance to any events in the near future, I should love to be there."
        "As would we all, though, as I have said, this is not news I should like to have spread too much. You and I, of course, know the importance of patience in these matters, as does Nila. But... not to criticize, but---"
        "Luce." He nods, and I chuckle quietly.
        "I would simply hate to lose this one before we have properly had our fun... and while Luce's plans are always brilliant, they can, on occasion, prove to be just a little excessive."
        "Yes, that reminds me, what was that commotion with some woman fainting and all that rot, in the garden earlier?"
        "Ohh.. you hadn't heard?"
        "Ah, as I said, I was... indisposed for some hours."
        "Mmm, indulging in that lovely young singer you brought us, then?"
        I merely smile secretively... and wonder again how I should have fallen into oblivion so fully and for so long, unplanned. I ought to have more control over myself than that... I do have more control than that. I wonder what it was...
        Carey continues talking, in a low, confidential tone. And I do listen, of course I listen, it is an interesting story, and it would not do to fall behind on the gossip of a party I myself am in attendance of. So I listen, and respond as I should, laughing and smiling as always, pausing only in slow sips of whatever drink has been put into my hand. But my thoughts are truly elsewhere, coated in the scarlet light of the crackling fire. Was it something in the wine? I doubt that, it should have affected others as well as myself. I suppose it must have been something in the song... something that it touched, in the deep cellars of memory. I do recall closing my eyes, of course, to better focus on the music... but why should it have lulled me so, into complete absence of presence? I do not have any memory at all of those hours. Mere sleep would not have caused such a thorough blankness as that - even had I been asleep, my mind would still have recorded the various stimuli detected by my senses, at the very least. And if I had slept, I would undoubtedly have dreamt... What happened to me, there in the garden? I can think of nothing that would have caused something as strange as that...
        But this has happened before.
        No! It happened when I tried some new drug, it happened when I had indulged in a number of stimuli in a new, and apparently ill-chosen, combination. It happened that one evening with Meres, when we visited Azal's desert palace, it happened... there was always some reason. This time I can find none...
        "Darling, are you alright? You seem to have... faded from me, a bit."
        I force my troubled thoughts aside, and push a smile onto my face. "It is nothing, dear, only the drinks going to my head a little. I am oddly tired this evening, I think I shall retire."
        He leans over and pats my hand, kissing my cheek lightly. "Do rest, then. If you should want him, I believe I last saw your singer in the library, listening intently to some story or another being told by, if you can believe it, Veri. Some tale of a lost love, or something equally melancholy, you know how he is."
        "Mmm, thank you."
        I get slowly to my feet, and find that I am a little unsteady. But I bring my focus to the motions, and make my way relatively gracefully to the stairway. There is an entire wing of guest rooms in this house, and it takes little effort to find an empty one. I close the door, and sit on the bed, intending to call for some company, some beautiful little thing to soothe my body and distract my thoughts. But I lay back, and find the bed to be exquisitely soft and comfortable, and so I close my eyes.....
posted by Melissa at 8:45 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
note and illustration
While I was supposed to be writing, I stumbled across the ultimate doll-making site again. Dangerousdangerous.

Of course what did I do?

I made ridiculously over-the-top cute versions of my characters.

So take these with a grain of salt. XD

Meres and Luce

Mephisto and Nila


But I can claim some justification for these! It actually, oddly enough, helped me out a bit in terms of characterization. I hadn't realised quite how much I'd decided Nila was a little British schoolboy, but I guess he kinda is. But while these versions are obviously, uh, a bit over-simplified and modern, the gists are there. Everything about Veri is a bit washed-out, while everything around Mephisto is theatrically bold and dramatic.

(x-posted on AnJ.)
posted by Melissa at 11:23 AM | Permalink | 0 comments