Wednesday, November 14, 2007
So, I have learned better than to take a day off merely on a whim. :p I did that, and wound up with a deathly headache the next day. So bad that by the time I got home from work, I really couldn't keep my eyes open for more than a minute or two at a time - not exactly ideal conditions for novelling. But! I plopped down and did not even let myself touch my email - I got a plug-in for my firefox that blocked out the websites I told it to (gmail, facebook,, my usual time-wasters) for a few hours, and pushed on through. Luckily I'd written about half the day's quota on Tuesday morning, before my headache hit full strength, and I churned out a good bit more over breakfast this morning.

Plus I'm getting into a scene I can really sink my teeth into and wring ridiculous amounts of word-count from. (And probably a few more mixed metaphors while I'm at it.)

Phistos tend toward rambling when they get angsty and reminiscent. <3
posted by Melissa at 10:00 PM | Permalink |